Jim Everett at the kutalayna site, April 2011
Jim's face says it all - as the Tasmanian Government arrests protestors and proceeds to build the Brighton by-pass over mumirimina-kutalayna heritage along the Jordon River; kutalayna is a significant link to the Tasmanian Aboriginal community’s history of over 40,000 years (see The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre's (TAC) Draft Report on the Mumirimina People of the Lower Jordan Valley).
"What kind of things I can share with non Aboriginal people so that they can start to understand that there is a different way of seeing this world... and their identity cannot be Australian with this country until such time as they get here – they will always be bringing the Northern hemisphere down here and constructing a landscape instead of living in country; landscape is just another image of the colonial construct... whereas connecting to country goes outside of the colonial construct." Jim Everett.